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From Ekologos Wiki
Revision as of 13:35, 24 November 2023 by Shyamal (talk | contribs)
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The Ekologos Wiki is a pioneering digital archive dedicated to ethically preserving and sharing Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), encompassing indigenous, local, and traditional knowledge. This archive, with contributions from the Norwegian Arctic, Brazilian Amazon and Gran Chaco, Southern India, and the Eastern Himalayas, prioritizes community-led curation and decision-making. It respects the ethos that some aspects of TEK are not intended for public access, ensuring that each contributing community retains control over the dissemination of their knowledge. This approach not only safeguards ancestral wisdom but also integrates it with academic rigor, providing a comprehensive and respectful platform for understanding and managing environmental stewardship and natural resources sustainably.

A private list of the users on this system can be found here.

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