
From Ekologos Wiki
Revision as of 06:22, 26 October 2023 by Shyamal (talk | contribs)
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My name is Shyamal Lakshminarayanan. I am from India and have been an independent researcher on a range of topics related to ecology of South Asia. I have also been a keen Wikipedia editor for a while and have been involved in setting up this MediaWiki system for Ekologos and hope to be able to assist project members to be able to utilize this system for knowledge management, note keeping and other applications. Feel free to contact me about any issues related to the Wiki, technical or otherwise.

Here is a formatted line of text showing things one can do. Water needs subscripts - H2O ... areas need superscripts km2. Not everything can be done right via the WYSIWYG visual editor and once you become a more advanced user doing something like marking text in red should not be a problem.